Dorian is available to deliver his workshops and seminars either online or in person in a variety of time frames ranging from - Half/Full days - Monthly - Quarterly - Annual sessions.
Each session can be designed to create a bespoke experience which will fit in with company wellness goals and strategies.

Mental Health & Wellbeing
Addresses the ageing brain, stress anger & the Chimp Paradox, Signs and causes of stress, The chemistry of stress, The antidotes to beat stress

Exercise in Times of
Covid & Flu
Tips on whether to exercise with respiratory disorders, signs & symptoms, The heart and viral infections, When is it safe to exercise post viral infections?

Know Your Numbers
Know your health scores alongside your business scores. Why does the risk disease increase with age? Is it true that 80% of illnesses as we age are termed “disease of choice?” Is it possible to reduce our health risk as we age? How often should we measure our health score?

Insomnia & Sleep Deprivation
Causes of insomnia & interrupted sleep, The 3 key stages of sleep. Napping, good or bad? Antidotes for poor sleep. How to help optimise “quality sleep”

Exercise & Wellbeing
Physical activity throughout the age range continuum, HITT training good or bad? Exercise and cardiac risk. Why is resistance training as important as cardio exercise. What are the risks versus benefits of exercise?

Younger Next Year
A focus on reversing the ageing process through managing a menu of health & wellbeing interventions that promote health and wellbeing throughout the age range continuum.